Training for the certification of professionals

Training for the certification of professionals and the accreditation of companies in energy efficiency

Period of implementation

2020 - 2023 (14/1/2020 al 13/01/2023)

EU Contribution

€ 400.000


El Salvador



To certify professionals and accredit companies that contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse effect gases, through the implementation of energy efficiency projects, which contemplate measures that contribute to the objectives in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).


Women and men professionals in different branches who are able to access specialisation in energy efficiency. Companies that provide energy services.

Map- Project intervention areas

Expected Results

Entidad responsable

National Energy Council of El Salvador - Directorate of Energy Efficiency (EE). National Energy Secretariat of Panama - Electricity Directorate Ministry of Commerce and Industries of Panama - National Accreditation Council (CNA).


Entity responsible

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