Call for tender opened to implement a test method to analyse the feasibility of energy efficiency labelling in Chilean mobile heaters.

- Argentina's Secretariat of Energy, Chile's Ministry of Energy and AgenciaSE are opening a tender to implement a test method to analyse the feasibility of energy efficiency labelling in Chilean mobile heaters in the framework of their EUROCLIMA+ project.

May 24, 2023. The Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, the Ministry of Energy of Chile and the Energy Sustainability Agency (AgenciaSE), in the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ project "Mitigation of greenhouse gases and adaptation to the impacts of climate change in Latin America by strengthening energy efficiency in strategic sectors of Argentina and Chile" -which is implemented by the Energy Efficiency sector of this program, through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the French Development Agency (AFD) -, open the tender to implement a test method to analyse the feasibility of energy efficiency labelling in mobile heaters in Chile.

This tender corresponds to Output 6 of the project, "Conduct a comprehensive study to determine a roadmap for energy efficiency labelling and the evolution of minimum efficiency standards".

Bids will be accepted until June 12, 2023, at 13:00 hours.

Who can participate?

Laboratories authorized by the Chilean Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) to carry out tests on products with the potential to develop the implementation of the test method, which can receive and operate the co-financing.

How can I participate?

Download the rules and complete the information requested in the form.

- Terms and Conditions

- Application form

- Editable annexes

Where should I apply?

To apply you must click on the "Apply" button.

The reception of offers will be through an online form in which general information and necessary documentation to apply are requested.

The questions associated with the process should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and will be answered individually.


Product 6

Product 6 is part of the line of action that seeks to improve national labelling programs through a comprehensive review and identification of opportunities for improvement. Together with outputs 5 and 7, it seeks to strengthen the institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks for the promotion of energy efficiency.

Its objective is to improve the national labelling programs of Argentina and Chile with international quality parameters. A comprehensive study is planned to determine a roadmap for energy efficiency labelling and the evolution of minimum efficiency standards.


In August 2019, the Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, the Ministry of Energy of Chile, and the Energy Sustainability Agency of Chile were selected, through the project "Mitigation of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change impacts in Latin America by strengthening energy efficiency in strategic sectors of Argentina and Chile", by the Energy Efficiency sector of the EUROCLIMA+, which is implemented by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the French Development Agency (AFD).


EUROCLIMA+ is a program funded by the European Union and co-financed by the German federal government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), as well as by the governments of France and Spain. Its objective is to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation, resilience, and investment. The Program is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), French Development Agency (AFD), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the UN Environment Program.

About the Energy Efficiency sector

The objective of this sector is to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation through implementation of energy efficiency measures, in line with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) assumed by countries under the Paris Agreement. The actions financed under this sector seek to support countries in their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change in the energy sector. The projects are aimed at identifying and financing initiatives that help strengthen capacities, institutions, public policy regulatory frameworks and monitoring systems that promote energy efficiency.