Energy Balance in Useful Energy Terms (UEB)

Elaboration of the Energy Balance in Energy Terms Useful for the Industry, Residential, Transport and/or Commercial sectors.

Period of implementation

36 months (Starting: 3/01/2020 Ending: 2/01/2023)

EU Contribution







Strengthen the technical capacity of the institutions in charge of energy planning in the management of information at the level of efficient energy use, for the development and monitoring of energy efficiency policies and plans.


Direct: national institutions formulating energy development policies and plans.

Indirect: consumer groups that will access information on available technologies and their respective efficiencies for different end-uses.

Map- Project intervention areas

Expected Results

Project Team

Regional Coordinator: Manlio Coviello

National Coordinators:

- Ecuador: Marco Yujato (Specialist OLADE)

- Panamá: Fernando Díaz

- Paraguay: Fabio Lucantonio

Technical Assistance: Annabella italiano

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