Programme for the strengthening and promotion of energy efficiency processes for industrial sectors with high thermal energy demand in Colombia.

Programme for the strengthening and promotion of energy efficiency processes for industrial sectors with high thermal energy demand in Colombia.

Implementation Period

25 months (01/11/2021 - 31/12/2023 )

EU Contribution





Develop an industrial technology park for innovation, adaptation, demonstration, and transfer of modern, high-energy-efficient technologies (national and international) for combustion and heating.

Map- Project intervention areas

Expected Results

Project Team

  • AFD Paris
  • EGI : Energy Division: Camille Le Thuc (Colombia + Coordination Euroclima)
  • AML : Latam Department: Marco Varea (Coordination Euroclima)
  • AFD Colombia Agency: Guillaume Meyssonnier - Maria Andrea Giraldo


Entity (ies) responsible

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