Mitigation of greenhouse effect gases and adaptation

Mitigation of greenhouse effect gases and adaptation to the impacts of climate change in Latin America through the strengthening of energy efficiency in strategic sectors of Argentina and Chile

Period of implementation

Beginning of 2023

EU Contribution






Contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases by strengthening the energy efficiency measures contained in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Argentina and Chile.



Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, Energy Sustainability Agency of Chile and Ministry of Energy of Chile.


Industrial sector: energy-intensive and industrial SME companies
Service sector: non-industrial SMEs.
Municipalities: public services buildings and municipal administrators
Freight transport sector: freight transporting companies, freight forwarders and logistics operators
Educational sector.


Industrial chambers:
Argentina Industrial Union (UIA) and Argentine Confederation of Medium-Sized Enterprises (CAME)
Confederation of Production and Commerce (CPC)

Map of project intervention areas


During 2021, the implementation of the activities necessary for the development of all expected results was completed. The result referred to a proposal for a harmonised standard for remote management in public lighting registers a degree of execution of more than 30%, having completed the international study of standards. For its part, the result of the study on new energy efficiency labelling reached 50% of its execution by carrying out a diagnosis and action plan on the different national programmes and minimum energy efficiency standards in Chile and Argentina. The incorporation of Energy Management Systems in energy-intensive companies has successfully closed its call for companies in Chile and the administrative review process of the bids has started. In turn, the result aimed at training and carrying out energy diagnostics in SMEs will start the courses in February 2022.


The implementation of intelligent monitoring systems in public buildings also reached 50% of its execution as it has completed the technical assessment and selection of 15 public buildings in each country for the implementation of such systems. The results associated with training and communications also reflect significant progress in their implementation. The result linked to the training of people reached 33% of its execution, having completed the development of the training model and the generation of content on climate change and sustainability, energy and energy efficiency, and the energy management workshop for SMEs. On the other hand, the result on dissemination and communications campaigns of the project exceeded 44% of execution, having participated in the organisation and dissemination of awareness-raising workshops and in the creation of the visual identity of the project. In addition, it led the process of generating the digital broadcasting platform, launched in December 2021.

Expected results


Contact by country

Matías Vera, coordinador del proyecto en Chile,

Anabella Ruiz, coordinadora del proyecto en Argentina, 

Entities Responsible

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