The Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española in Antigua, Guatemala hosts the Annual Meeting of 33 member countries of the Euroclima Programme.
Representatives from projects in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Peru shared their lessons learned, good practices and
March 22, 2023. Bogota, Colombia. The central theme of the 2023 edition of World Water Day, which is commemorated every March 22, is 'Accelerating Change', referring to the importance of acquiring more ambitious commitments and targets that will
This is the progress that the EUROCLIMA+ programme has implemented in urban mobility climate actions.
The return to face-to-face meetings allowed for progress in the implementation of the six Urban Water projects, the exchange of experiences between countries, and the continuation of knowledge and capacity building.
The EUROCLIMA+ programme is developing a training course focusing on the impact of climate change on Water Resources with Central American climate services.
From 23 August to 1 September 2022, World Water Week will be celebrated under the slogan "Making the invisible visible: the value of water". EUROCLIMA+,
A regional workshop to identify climate indices for the water sector in the countries of the Central American Region.
This initiative will provide quality, clean and safe transport that will serve the municipality's most vulnerable population.
New Thematic Study addressing the Regionalisation of Climate Scenarios presented as a tool for the planning of adaptation measures in Central America
The Thematic Study provides background information to the countries of the region on the main aspects that make up
The community created to share best practices in the preparation of Long-Term Climate Strategies in the Latin American region, strengthens in 2021 and faces 2022 with new thematic sessions.
The Community of Practical Learning for ACE and the LTCS Exchange Space come together in a joint session to discuss the relevance of incorporating Climate Empowerment Action into Long Term Climate Strategies.
The online training course demonstrated the process of assessing the impact of climate change on water resources, using a simple modelling tool.
Advisors, counterparts, partners, and beneficiaries of the 19 projects AND 5 EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility actions were gathered.
The programme has organised a session dedicated to Regionalised Climate Scenarios for adaptation to Climate Change.
The event held on 12 August was jointly organised by the EUROCLIMA+ Programme, through the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), in partnership with the Chilean Ministry of Environment (MMA) and with the collaboration of the NDC Partnership and the Regional Collaboration Centre
13.5 hectares are reforested thanks to support from EUROCLIMA+ to the Agua Urban Waters in the Marqués Valley project.
In the framework of World Water Day on March 22, we highlight the EUROCLIMA+ Urban Water projects, which demonstrate the fundamental value of water in people's lives, and its central role in the fight against climate change.
Sariah travels to the centre of the Guatemalan municipality to sell her family business. She tells us how improving the quality of transport would benefit her.
This project of the Urban Water sector of EUROCLIMA+, aims for the protection, integrated and sustainable management of water in the urban headwaters of the municipalities of San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Marcos, San Antonio Sacatepéquez, San Cristóbal Cucho and Esquipulas Palo Gordo in the
EUROCLIMA+ has held a total of six meetings to address the regionalisation of climate scenarios on a Central American scale and to present the visualisation tool developed under the subregional action framework.
With the support of EUROCLIMA+, the Costa Rican city will promote urban cycling by building cycling-infrastructure.
60 women from 18 countries will receive mentoring to promote gender-sensitive mobility
EUROCLIMA+ and Women on the Move presented research on the effects of mobility and the health contingency with a gender perspective.
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