For cities more resilient to climate change

In the framework of World Water Day on March 22, we highlight the EUROCLIMA+ Urban Water projects, which demonstrate the fundamental value of water in people's lives, and its central role in the fight against climate change.

March 5, 2021. Bogotá, Colombia. EUROCLIMA+ has a sector specifically dedicated to Urban Water, with the objective of ensuring integrated management of water resources in urban areas, for better access to safe and quality potable water for vulnerable populations, as well as to strengthen institutional capacities, and contribute to the consolidation of cities that are more resilient to climate change.

"It is so basic, and so vital, water is life (...) our concern is to recover what we have and pave the way for future generations to have this valuable resource", summarises Milena Chaves Morillo, leader and participant in the project "Water and Territory Governance in the Water Region of the Atriz Valley", of the EUROCLIMA+ Urban Water sector, which is being implemented in Colombia.

In the framework of World Water Day, which is commemorated on March 22, we highlight the seven projects in this sector, which work together for access to water by and for all:

Water Forever in the Communities of Abancay

This project, which is being implemented in the Mariño micro-watershed and benefits the city of Abancay, aims to contribute to ensuring the future availability, equitable access and responsible use of water for a total of 68,000 people. Sustainable investment mechanisms will be implemented; the aim is to improve the quality of drinking water and avoid its waste; promote spaces that allow the participation of communities and establish models that can be replicated in other countries. It is implemented by the French Development Agency (AFD), and executed by SUNASS, Helvetas Peru and EMUSAP-Abancay

Strengthening Communal Aqueduct Associations in Costa Rica

"Strengthening the ASADAS of the GMA and peripheral cities to improve their management and resilience in confronting climate change", benefits 60 Administrative Associations of Communal Aqueduct and Sewerage Systems (ASADAS) in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica, and their 222,000 users. It is expected to strengthen these ASADAS, which are vulnerable to the reduction of water sources and climatic phenomena such as storms or droughts, in addition to the pressure of unplanned urban growth. The project is implemented by AFD, and executed by AyA, Cedarena, and ARESEP.

Water for all, and for life, in Colombia

537,525 inhabitants of the cities of Pasto and Tangua in Nariño will benefit from the project "Water and Territorial Governance in the Water Region of the Atriz Valley (RHVA)", an initiative that aims to achieve more sustainable territories through a territorial water governance system. Collaborative tools will be developed for water security as a strategy for adapting to climate change, with a commitment to post-pandemic green recovery, providing water for all and for life. A combination of efforts among all actors to address climate change. It is implemented by the AFD and executed by EMPOPASTO S.A. E.S.P., in alliance with the Governor's Office of Nariño, the Mayor's Office of Pasto, the Mayor's Office of Tangua, CORPONARIÑO, the Natural Heritage Fund for Biodiversity, Mariana University, and the Grupo Social Foundation.

Urban Waters in the Marqués Valley, Guatemala

This project came to guarantee the protection and integrated and sustainable management of water in five municipalities in Guatemala: San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Marcos, San Antonio Sacatepéquez, San Cristóbal Cucho and Esquipulas Palo Gordo in the department of San Marcos, so that their inhabitants can have access to healthy, acceptable, sufficient, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic use; in a financial, institutional and environmentally sustainable manner. It is implemented by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), and executed by Helvetas Guatemala and the municipal governments of the five beneficiary municipalities.

Mapping for better water management in El Salvador

"Influencing the Management of the Hydrological Cycle with Adaptation to Groundwater for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (AMSS)" seeks to generate maps of groundwater mapping and recognise urban sectors with aquifer vulnerability; strengthening technical capacities and implementing pilot projects to apply what has been learned. It will benefit local authorities, and 850,198 women and 724,804 men living in the AMSS. It is implemented by AECID and executed by the Council of Mayors and the Planning Office of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (COAMSS / OPAMSS), the Ministry of Environment and ANDA.

Implementing replicable policies in Ecuador

"Adaptation to Climate Change for the Human Right to Water and Sanitation: Replicable, Scalable and Resilient Policies for Future Climate Conditions" will be implemented in six provinces of Ecuador, and aims to design a public policy that turns nine integrated urban water supply and sanitation systems into pillars of sustainable development; create a portfolio of best practices; strengthen the 37 watershed councils; and create a methodology that can be replicated in the region and in the country. It will be implemented by AFD and executed by the Water Secretariat and the International Office for Water.

New technologies and water management models in Uruguay

In Montevideo, the project "Operational system for monitoring and warning on quantity and quality of water resources" will strengthen the resilience of the city, the Metropolitan Area and urban localities of the Santa Lucia River basin to the impacts of climate change, adopting new technologies and models for integrated water resources management and strengthening governance for decision-making and the implementation of public policies for the benefit 1,943,952 inhabitants. It will be implemented by AECID and executed by DINAGUA - Ministry of Housing and Land Management of Uruguay, and by the CND.

EUROCLIMA+ water management component with an urban resilience perspective

A total of seven projects will be implemented through this component of the EUROCLIMA+ programme. For more information on each project please visit this link:


EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and UN Environment.


For more information about EUROCLIMA+, contact Alexandra Cortés: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information about the Urban Water sector of EUROCLIMA+, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.