Technology and modelling for integrated water management as an adaptation to climate change for Uruguay's main source of drinking water

The project will incorporate an operational warning system for quantity and quality of water resources management and will strengthen the governance of the basin from a rights-based perspective. Two gender-sensitive pilot projects with potential for replicability and scalability are being implemented.

Implementation period

36 months

EU grant amount


Overall Project amount






Strengthen the resilience of Montevideo and its Metropolitan Area, as well as of the urban localities of the Santa Lucia River basin to the impacts of climate variability and change, focusing efforts on an integrated management of water resources to guarantee the quantity and quality of its source of drinking water.


Adopt technology and modelling in the management of water resources in the Santa Lucía river basin and strengthen its governance from the perspective of rights to support decision-making and the formulation of public policies from a perspective of integrated water resource management in favour of the source of drinking water for 60% of the country's population.



  • Inhabitants of the Santa Lucia River basin (96.4% reside in urban centres) and those living in Montevideo and its Metropolitan Area, 1,943,952 (almost 60% of the country's total population), with a more secure source of water supply.


  • The new generations of environmental hydraulic engineering professionals by having a national academy strengthened by the knowledge transferred from Europe (Deltares) and the developments made by UDELAR in the project.
  • All users of the water resources of the Santa Lucía River Basin count on DINAGUA as a tool for water resource management based on the state of the art, incorporated into day-to-day decisions by its two regional managers (a man and a woman).

Map- Project intervention areas

Expected results


  • Regional Water Resources Council of the La Plata River and its Maritime Front (including the territory of the Santa Lucía River Basin).
  • St. Lucia River Basin Commission
  • National Climate Change Response System (SNRCC)
  • National Emergency System (SINAE) - Office of the President of the Republic
  • State Sanitary Works (OSE)
  • Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology (INUMET)
  • National Institute of Agrarian Research (INIA)
  • Special Data Infrastructure (IDE)
  • University of the Republic
  • Ministry of Social Development (MIDES)
  • National Administration of Public Education (ANEP)
  • Plan Ceibal
  • Governments of Canelones, Flores, Florida, Lavalleja, Montevideo and San José
  • The South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS) 
  • Network of Cities: MERCOCIUDADES
  • Regional Centre for Groundwater Management in Latin America and the Caribbean (CeReGAS)
  • Global Water Partnership (GWP)


Lead Implementer


Arq. Viviana Pesce

National Director of the National Directorate of Waters (DINAGUA) - Ministry of the Environment

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