Strengthening the ASADAS of the GMA and peripheral cities to improve their management and resilience to climate change

This project aims to strengthen 60 Administrative Associations of Community Water and Sewerage Systems (ASADAS) in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) of Costa Rica, which are vulnerable to the reduction of water sources and climatic phenomena such as sto

Implementation period

36 months

EU grant amount


Overall Project amount



Costa Rica



Strengthen ASADAS located in urban areas of the country and their peripheries to improve their capacities for integrated water resource management, their resilience to climate change, and at the same time increase institutional capacity in water governance, particularly in relation to drinking water supply services.



222,000 users of the services of the 60 Associations of Community Water Supply and Sewerage System Managers (ASADAS) in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica.


ASADAS and existing community managers in the country who are not located in the areas covered by the project, but who will be able to replicate the methodologies implemented in the project.

Map- Project intervention areas

"The work that ASADA is doing in this community is extremely important because we have drinking water, which is what really gives us health, because with this clean water, we can do everything in our homes, we can take water from the tap and know that it is drinkable, one hundred percent".

Mayela Montoya,

Beneficiary of the ASADA Poás, Aserrí.

Expected results

Lead implementer




Oscar Izquierdo Sandi

Director Cooperation and International Affairs AyA

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