Impacting hydrological cycle management with a focus on groundwater for climate change adaptation in the San Salvador Metropolitan Area.

Actions aimed at generating new information for the protection and increase of water availability, as well as pilot projects to generate conditions for adaptation to extreme events related to climate change.

Implementation period

36 months

EU grant amount


Overall Project amount



El Salvador



Contribute to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution, NDC, based on the development of management plans for water recharge zones in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, El Salvador. This being part of the national and metropolitan climate agenda focused on reducing vulnerability, strengthening 6 capacities for adaptation and sustainable resource use.


Strengthen urban water cycle management to promote resilience to the effects and challenges of climate change in the SSMA, through a systematised process and a governance model for an adequate urban water cycle management in order to achieve a sustainable use of water resources.



  • Council of Mayors of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area: 12 men and 2 women.
  • Planning Office of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area, project leader: 51 women and 49 men.
  • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, including 4 directorates: Citizen and Institutional Attention, Environmental Assessment and Compliance, Environmental Observatory and Climate Change and Communications Units.
  • National Water and Sewerage Administration, with the Department of Research and Hydrogeology.
  • Population of the SSMA that makes use of the water resource: 850,198 women, 724,804 men, of which 716 men and 1112 women will benefit as an indigenous population located in the SSMA.


  • Representatives and students from academia, especially from the Universities of El Salvador and Central American José Simeón Cañas Institutions that comprise the Metropolitan Development Council:
  • Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of Health

Map- Project intervention areas

Expected results

Lead Implementer

Council of Mayors and Planning Office of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador -COAMSS/OPAMSS




Eng. José Alexander Chávez Ph.D.

Head of Environmental Unit, COAMSS/OPAMSS


Lic. M.Sc. Dagoberto Arévalo

Director of Hydrogeological Research and wells, ANDA


Eng. M.Sc. Laura Gil

Specialist in Groundwater Hydrology, MARN


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