This is the progress that the EUROCLIMA+ programme has implemented in urban mobility climate actions.
Through EUROCLIMA+, the Argentinean city is initiating a participatory process with key stakeholders to move towards sustainable mobility.
This is the first sectoral plan developed as part of the Provincial Climate Change Response Plan. It was developed with the support of the Euroclima Program.
The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the different approaches used in the framework for planning, developing and implementing long-term strategies (LTS) in the region.
The EUROCLIMA+ programme participates in the historic seminar, promoted by the Spanish Climate Change Office, to present the work developed in Action for Climate Empowerment in the Latin American region.
On the Thematic Day dedicated to ACE the EUROCLIMA pavilion addressed innovative experiences and upcoming challenges in this field in the regions of
How is the capacity strengthening process to address the climate crisis being accompanied with the municipalities and grassroots organisations?
A peer-to-peer experience exchange workshop was held on the development work for the preparation of the National Low Carbon Livestock Strategy of Costa Rica with the Sub-national GHG Emissions Reduction Plan for the livestock sector of the province of Salta in
An inter-sectoral dialogue was held with the intention of developing a consensual Electric Mobility Strategy for Argentina.
The Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, the Ministry of Energy of Chile and the Energy Sustainability Agency of Chile
We interviewed Carlos Amanquez about Argentina's National Action Strategy for Climate Empowerment.
The Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, the Ministry of Energy of Chile and the Energy Sustainability Agency
With the support of EUROCLIMA+, policy guidelines were generated for the conversion of buses from diesel to electric....
Argentina's Energy Secretariat, Chile's Ministry of Energy and Energy Sustainability Agency publish their progress after the first year of implementation of their EUROCLIMA+ project
In starting their second year of operation, EUROCLIMA+, LEDS LAC and the INCAE Business School are consolidating the work of the Community of
With the Origin-Destination survey and the articulation of actors, progress is being made on the development of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
Representatives from different levels of government developed project proposals to receive climate financing, ...
With the support of EUROCLIMA+, the Costa Rican city will promote urban cycling by building cycling-infrastructure.
A participatory workshop on gender, livestock and climate change was held as part of the support for the development of a Plan for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
More than 40 people from 18 countries gathered in Buenos Aires to share experiences on ACE policies, and for the face-to-face meeting of the Community for Practical Learning on Action for Climate Empowerment.
The Euroclima+ programme, with FIIAPP as implementing agency, is launching a series of open webinars dedicated to ACE and cross-cutting issues in the run-up to COP27....
60 women from 18 countries will receive mentoring to promote gender-sensitive mobility
Institutions, decision makers and key partners collaborated to pursue zero-carbon emission transport.
Registration for this new virtual and in-person training programme offered by the EUROCLIMA+ Programme will be open until February 28.
The programme presents its experiences in accompanying the design of National Action Strategies for Climate Empowerment in 6 countries of the region.
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