1.Agroecological Production:
8 producer associations in Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Cañar (Ecuador) and Piura (Peru) (about 1,200 producers and their families) implement best family farming and small-scale livestock practices based on the sustainable use of water, soil and waste management, as measures for local resilience to climate change.
2.Plans for climate change
Monitoring & Evaluation: the agricultural sector and Local Governments with competence in agricultural production in Ecuador and Peru have strengthened their capacities to develop CC Plans based on Climate Compatible Development and according to ENCC 2012-2025 and NDCs.
3.Implementation and testing
of financial mechanisms: the local funds FMPLPT (Ecuador) and FORASAN (Peru) have consolidated a replicable financial model, based on SAM and they finance agricultural actions that guarantee: increased resilience of agrifood chains; control of the agricultural frontier in Andean highlands; and efficient water use.
4.Replication of best sustainable practices:
the methodologies and best practices implemented in Climate Compatible Agricultural Development, which can be financed by local funds (Tungurahua and Piura), are systematised, disseminated and replicated at the national and regional levels