Olade and Euroclima+'s Useful Energy Balance Project was publicly shared during the 5th Energy Week

Energy Week is a space for the exchange of experiences and knowledge of the energy sector, through the generation of business and project financing opportunities with the participation of government representatives from the 27 member countries of the Latin American Energy Organisation (Spanish acronym Olade).

Quito, Ecuador. November 20, 2020. Within the framework of the V edition of Energy Week, organised by the Latin American Energy Organisation (Olade) from November 16 to 25, 2020, the Panel on Energy Efficiency was held on the morning of November 17, 2020. In this space, the Useful Energy Balance Project (Spanish acronym BEU), which Olade is executing together with the Euroclima+ Programme, was considered an indispensable instrument for the formulation, application and verification of energy efficiency policies and programmes. The dialogue addressed the actions, scope, and results of the project.

Juan Enrique Garcia, Coordinator at AECID of the Euroclima Plus Programme, in his intervention pointed out that the Euroclima+ Programme is a European Union programme to support the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and their efforts in the fight against Climate Change, and that in its final stage "significant financing has been made available for the development of projects, with one of the lines of action being energy efficiency”. For this purpose, a call for projects was made, receiving 46 proposals of which 8 were approved, with an average amount of 1.1 million euros.

Among these 8 projects is the one proposed by Olade, "Preparation of the Energy Balance in Terms of Useful Energy for the Industry, Residential, Transport and/or Commercial Sectors" for Panama, Ecuador and Paraguay with a financing of 1.42 million euros.

He added that "this is a plural effort in energy efficiency that benefits a significant number of countries in the region, and in the context of post-COVID recovery it should be considered as an opportunity in the region for green recovery, aiming for decarbonisation of the energy system".

For his part, Manlio Coviello, Regional Coordinator of the Project, presented what a Useful Energy Balance consists of, how it is developed and its usefulness, as well as a general vision of the Project, highlighting the importance of having this type of instrument "based on evidence" when supporting energy efficiency programmes with data and information.

Daniel Eliseo Puentes Albá, from the Vice-Ministry of Mines and Energy of Paraguay, expressed the importance of the BEU, since it reinforces one of the objectives of the energy policy of Paraguay 2040, related to energy efficiency and climate change mitigation.

He also indicated that developing the BEU will help his country in updating and improving energy policy, the energy efficiency plan, prospective studies, and the calculation of greenhouse gas inventories. He concluded by emphasising that "the Useful Energy Balance is a fundamental tool for energy efficiency and related issues".

Fernando Diaz, Panama's National Coordinator of the BEU Project, presented an overview of how the project is being developed in his country and indicated that the challenge is to collect the fuel information that is minor in relation to the electrical part.

General Project Data 

The Project "Elaboration of the Energy Balance in Terms of Useful Energy for the Industrial, Residential, Transport and/or Commercial sectors (BEU)" that Olade is executing with financial support from the Euroclima+ Programme, is destined to be executed in Panama, Ecuador and Paraguay. It consists of supporting these countries in the identification, implementation and evaluation of the different instruments, mechanisms and tools for the promotion and dissemination of energy efficiency.

This project constitutes one of the indispensable instruments for the formulation, application and verification of energy efficiency policies and programmes, to contribute to the fulfilment of national commitments in terms of climate change mitigation and to create a culture of efficient energy consumption.

To see the complete video of the event click on the following link:  https://youtu.be/2OsTk4i0_70?t=2058 


EUROCLIMA+ is a programme financed by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and UN Environment.

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