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English / Inglés

In this section you will only see publications produced in English. Most of the documentation of this Programme is in the Spanish language only. If you wish to see the rest of the EUROCLIMA+ library, click here.

Fair and effective climate policies: engaging indigenous peoples

The participation of indigenous peoples in climate action is widely recognised as a crucial element in formulating inclusive and effective policies. This is not only because indigenous peoples receive relatively greater impacts resulting from the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss, but also because they possess traditional knowledge, technologies and practices for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The importance of public policies for managing risk among smallholders

This document analyses Brazil’s main risk management instruments: the Agricultural Activity Guarantee Programme (Proagro) and the Rural Insurance Premium Subsidy Programme (PSR). The objective of analysis is to demonstrate the structure of the two programmes and describe main differences, strengths, and weaknesses.

Bulletin october 2022

The October 2022 e-bulletin highlights the main results or processes of the last quarter on the actions and projects that EUROCLIMA+ implements in the Latin American region. In this way, news, articles and other audiovisual information have been structured.

Business model innovations for electric mobility

Latin America and the Caribbean is experiencing a revolution on electric mobility. Innovation, sustainability and circular economy projects are a priority in the region. Get to know the main trends and how to to reduce risks and costs, and overcome the barriers.

Summary of Thematic Study 22: Accelerating climate action in Latin America - Messages from the sessions of the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow

This document offers a non-exhaustive summary of the key messages of Thematic Study 22 “Accelerating climate action in Latin America – Messages from the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion sessions at COP26 in Glasgow”.

Accelerating climate action in Latin America - Messages from the sessions of the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow

This publication presents the results and lessons learnt from the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP 26. The document summarizes the key messages and some of the cases presented during the 44 events organized.

Closing the climate investment gap and promoting a Green Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Challenges and opportunities for policy makers and development practitioners on how to bridge the climate finance gap

Co-innovation for Development

The technical document “Co-innovation for Development” is part of the series of publications developed on the basis of webinars and round table discussions organized by the EUROCLIMA+ programme in the Resilient Food Production (RFP) sector

Climate Vulnerability and Risks in the Agriculture Sector of Latin America

The technical document “Climate Vulnerability and Risks in the Agriculture Sector of Latin America” is part of the series of publications based on the webinars and round table discussions organized by the EUROCLIMA+ programme in the Resilient Food Production (RFP) sector.

Contributions of indigenous peoples to climate action in Latin America: Experiences in the forests, biodiversity and ecosystems sector

The EUROCLIMA+ programme projects in the “Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems” (FBE) sector are implemented, in most cases, in regions with indigenous populations.