The activity allowed the exchange of experiences among professionals from Honduras for the strengthening of MRV systems in the framework of the Pacific Alliance in Latin America
It will involve an investment of 2.5 million euros (around 68 million lempiras) in four strategic actions in the areas of water resources, environmental information, public awareness and decarbonization.
The EUROCLIMA+ programme is developing a training course focusing on the impact of climate change on Water Resources with Central American climate services.
A multi-stakeholder workshop organised in the framework of the EUROCLIMA programme has brought together various actors involved in Honduran climate action to define next steps....
A delegation from the EUROCLIMA+ programme visited the country during the month of June, with the purpose of consolidating current support in the construction of its
Twelve proposals from eight sectors have been prioritised for research on climate change issues. The research will provide key information for decision making and the preparation of the National Strategy for Decarbonisation and Climate Resilience of Honduras (ENDRCH) 2020-2050.
A regional workshop to identify climate indices for the water sector in the countries of the Central American Region.
New Thematic Study addressing the Regionalisation of Climate Scenarios presented as a tool for the planning of adaptation measures in Central America
The community created to share best practices in the preparation of Long-Term Climate Strategies in the Latin American region, strengthens in 2021 and faces 2022 with new thematic sessions.
The online training course demonstrated the process of assessing the impact of climate change on water resources, using a simple modelling tool.
The programme has organised a session dedicated to Regionalised Climate Scenarios for adaptation to Climate Change.
Training workshop on Just Transition held with members of Honduran institutions involved in the development of the Long-Term Climate Strategy.
EUROCLIMA+ has held a total of six meetings to address the regionalisation of climate scenarios on a Central American scale and to present the visualisation tool developed under the subregional action framework.
This strategy responds to one of the main needs identified by the country and the programme through the Country Dialogue process.
EUROCLIMA+ has held a new workshop to train potential users of regionalised climate
This new visualisation tool will allow the countries of the region to have regionalised
For ten years now, the European Union (EU) and Latin America have considered climate change as one of the cornerstones of their bi-regional relations.
A high-level meeting with Honduran authorities, technicians from DUE and EUROCLIMA+, to exchange experiences that will allow for interventions and contributions to a system for climate financing inclusion.
The Community of Practice on Private Sector Engagement in Climate Policy Processes
This programme will accompany participants between March and September, where through action learning, proposals will become concept notes for presentation
The second Technical and Sectoral Dialogue Table is part of EUROCLIMA+'s technical assistance in the country.
Registration for this new virtual and in-person training programme offered by the EUROCLIMA+ Programme will be open until February 28.
In starting their second year of operation, EUROCLIMA+, LEDS LAC and the INCAE Business School are consolidating the work of the Community of
At COP 25, the project for an electric pedalling-assisted bicycle system was presented in Ibagué.
At COP 25 the project was presented as a way to exchange experiences on mobility issues.
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