EUROCLIMA+ has held a new workshop to train potential users of regionalised climate
change scenarios in Honduras.
Tegucigalpa, October 8-. A new virtual meeting has taken place under the framework of the action Generation of Regionalised Climate Change Scenarios for Central America, which is being developed by the EUROCLIMA+ programme. The aim of this action is to strengthen national meteorological services, providing more precise climate scenario projections, which will make it possible to anticipate the local effects of the transformations in the climate system in order to adapt more efficiently.
The meeting was attended by officials from the Honduran meteorological services, of the Secretariat of Natural Resources and the Environment, as well as other potential users of climate scenarios in the country. More than 70 people attended an activity which served to present the results of the action to the country's climate change scenario users and to familiarise them with the use of the Regionalised Scenario Viewer for Central America, developed within the framework of the action.
The activity has been carried out in collaboration with the Centre for Atmospheric, Oceanographic and Seismic Studies (CENAOS) of the Permanent Contingency Commission of Honduras (COPECO) and the Presidential Office for Climate Change (Clima+), the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the Centre for Public Works Studies and Experimentation (CEDEX) and the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies, which coordinates the action in EUROCLIMA+.
During the meeting, Jorge Tamayo (AEMET) presented the support of the Ibero-American environmental networks (the Ibero-American networks for meteorology, water and climate change) for the project on the Generation of Climate Change Scenarios. For is part, Ernesto Rodríguez (AEMET) gave a general presentation of the action, with a brief tour of the milestones in meteorological science for the projection of scenarios, showing the results achieved in the project and presenting its next phases in preparation.
Among the key results, the development of the regionalised scenario viewer for Central America stands out, which allows the countries of the region to project the various possible evolutions of climate effects on a reduced scale adapted to local characteristics. The tool was presented by Francisco Argeñal from CENAOS, one of the institutions that has participated in the development of the tool.
Finally, Luis Barranco (CEDEX) presented CEDEX's experience in using information from regionalised climate change scenarios for integrated water resource management.
The users expressed their interest in the tool and the scenarios generated, and suggested that it would be advisable to organise sectoral working groups at the national level to facilitate the use of the scenarios by defining indices and using application models which translate the evolution of climate variables into the evolution of sectoral variables. EUROCLIMA+ will continue to support Honduras to achieve the sustainability of the tool and facilitate its use by stakeholders.
EUROCLIMA+ is a programme financed by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), and UN Environment.
Daniel Fernández: