Guía Cambio Climático y agricultura familiar con lentes de género 10374 Descargas | 2.49 MB | |
Informe anual 2021-2022 5128 Descargas | 4.62 MB | |
Transversalizando la perspectiva de género en proyectos de acción climática: caja de herramientas 2952 Descargas | 6.6 MB |
821 Descargas
This report presents intermediate results of a broader analysis of the economic responses to the COVID-19 crisis in the LAC region, and how the allocated investments can accelerate the economic recovery phase while meeting climate change goals. The report has been developed thanks to an investment tracking tool, the LAC Recovery Tracker, which analyses over 1,100 policies to provide a live snapshot on spending in the region. The LAC Recovery Tracker is a subset of the larger Global Recovery Observatory.i
Categoría: | Estudios técnicos |
Tamaño del archivo: | 2.71 MB |
Hits: | 6016 Hits |
Descargas: | 821 veces |
Título: | Is the COVID-19 economic recovery building a sustainable future? |
Autor: | Brian J. O'Callaghan, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Universidad de Oxford. Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School, Universidad de Oxford Zahra Didarali, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Universidad de Oxford. Mercedes García Fariña and Himanshu Sharma |
Web de la publicación: | |
Año: | Mayo 2021 |
Formato: | PDF, 48 pág |