Chile has made substantial progress on the legal and policy framework for climate change recently. In January 2020, the first Climate Change Framework Bill went through the Senate, containing the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. Also, in April 2020, the revised NDC was presented, through which the South American country updated its commitments, incorporating new goals and more ambitious objectives (See more here).
The Long-Term Climate Strategy (LTCS) will be the climate change management tool that will define the country's guidelines for 2050 in terms of mitigation and adaptation. Some of the key contents to be included in the LTSC will be: the greenhouse gas emissions trajectory; sectoral GHG emissions reduction targets; mitigation and adaptation objectives, targets and indicators; guidelines for climate risk assessment; mechanisms for integration between policies and synergies between mitigation and adaptation; and the means of implementation associated with technology development and transfer, capacity building and strengthening, and climate empowerment; and climate financing.
The participatory process of preparing this strategy will allow for an open debate on the development trajectories on which Chile hopes to advance, in order to build a climate-resilient and carbon-neutral country by 2050, which will promote the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
In this process Chile has considered the participation of the public sector fundamental, but also the involvement of sub-national governments, the private sector, civil society and academia, ensuring that its design and preparation contemplates participatory and inclusive methodologies and that it manages to communicate to and raise awareness in the citizens about this long-term vision, generating the commitment of the society as a whole.
The Long-Term Climate Strategy is one of the country's most important international commitments on climate change, providing a framework for achieving the objectives of Chile's current NDC and its subsequent rewrites scheduled every 5 years.
This action will support the Ministry of the Environment in the development of a resilient and low emission climate development strategy for Chile in 2050.