Support in the preparation of the National Strategy for Decarbonisation and Climate Resilience of Honduras (ENDRCH) 2020-2050


Through this action, the EUROCLIMA+ programme accompanies the preparation of the National Strategy for Decarbonisation and Climate Resilience of Honduras (ENDRCH 2020-2050), the purpose of which is to provide a comprehensive orientation of the national climate policy in the long term. The ENDRCH describes the strategic lines of action to steer national, sectoral and subnational policy to 2050, aligning the country's environmental, climate and socio-economic priorities and facilitating the updating of short- and medium-term planning instruments.

The strategy is developed to align and support national and regional development plans, as well as to recommend policies and measures that will order climate action in Honduras, decarbonise the economy and build resilience to the adverse effects of global warming.


Improve long-term ambition in terms of emission reductions and adaptation to climate change in Honduras


Strengthening climate policy in Honduras, through the design and adoption of the National Strategy for Decarbonisation and Climate Resilience of Honduras (ENDRCH) 2020-2050.



Methodological design of the ENDRCH

Methodological design of the ENDRCH, including the baseline, the long-term vision, the formulation of decarbonisation scenarios, the resilience and adaptation roadmap, as well as cross-cutting issues.

Multi-stakeholder coordination

Development of a multi-stakeholder process to articulate, socialise and strengthen the ENDRCH and climate governance in Honduras.

Strengthening capacities

Capacity building of local Honduran stakeholders on long-term climate planning issues through support to the "Visiting Researchers Programme" and training activities on these issues.


EUROCLIMA+ team with Lucky Medina, Secretary of State in the Office of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras


The development of the National Strategy for Decarbonisation and Climate Resilience of Honduras 2050 is moving forward

20 June 2022


Euroclima is the European Union's flagship programme on environmental sustainability and climate change with Latin America. It aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in Latin America by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation through resilience and investment. 
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