
Strengthening political dialogue and regional cooperation on adaptation for the implementation of the "Strategic Agenda for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Andes"

The pre-conceptual note favours an Ecosystem-based Adaptation approach, which has gained recognition as a promising approach for addressing climate-related challenges, recognising the role of ecosystems in helping people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.

The pre-conceptual note concentrates on three components:

  1. Improving knowledge management on vulnerability and resilience to climate change in the Andes to support the implementation of cost-effective adaptation measures.
  2. Implementing EbA actions on the ground to address climate change-related water risks in the Andes.
  3. Strengthening the IAM as a regional network to foster knowledge sharing, coordination, and collaboration within Andean countries.

Expected Results


Strategic Agenda

The aim is to develop a Strategic Agenda on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Andes adopted by the 7 countries, including Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) and water resources as regional priority areas.

Regional Coordination

The Regional Coordination Mechanism of the IAM is expected to be consolidated by the seven countries.

Governance for the IAM

A proposal for a governance structure for the Andean Mountain Initiative (Spanish acronym IAM) will be developed by defining a methodological proposal, compiling country inputs, analysing governance frameworks of mountain initiatives in other parts of the world, among other aspects.



Partner Institutions

Institute of Environmental Governance and Territorial Development - University of Geneva, CONDESAN, Country Ministries





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+32 (0) 2 710 19 37


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