Virtual “Best collaboration” at EUROCLIMA+

How to make the collaboration at EUROCLIMA+ an example for other European Union initiatives

March 27, Brussels, Belgium. With the participation of more than 20 representatives from 10 different partner countries in Latin America, who connected via Zoom, a focus group exercise on the theme of "better collaboration" in the EUROCLIMA+ programme was held on March 27. The objective was to listen to the voices of the partners on their challenges and best practices for collaboration, with a view toward improving the tools, processes and practices for collaboration among the multiple partners involved in the Programme.

“We aim to serve our Latin American partners as smoothly and effectively as possible, and to move forward with the task of addressing climate change,” said Andrew Scyner, EUROCLIMA+ programme manager for the European Union. “A broader objective is to become an example of collaboration for other equally complex European Union initiatives, thereby strengthening our collective capacity to fulfil our mandate for international partnerships,” he said.

The European Union is committed to improving collaboration to build stronger and more lasting relationships with countries and regions of the world precisely because of its work in complex settings involving a wide range of actors, languages and cultures. Because of this situation, efficient collaboration is often a real challenge.

Given the above, EUROCLIMA+, as the European Union's flagship programme on climate change in Latin America, has been identified as providing a unique and ideal platform for co-constructing new forms of collaboration across institutional, cultural and geographical boundaries. This is a particularly opportune moment to imagine a more collaborative future for this Programme, given the climate emergency and the European commitment (the European Green Pact), which calls for us to act, now.

“... we intend to open a channel for exchange to learn about the perceptions and ideas of the representatives of the ministries of environment with whom we interact and the delegations of the European Union in each country. We need to learn about current practices for collaboration in order to be able to project a better collaboration. This will allow us to reflect and decide how we want to advance new tools and methods of collaboration,” added Scyner.

In addition to virtual meetings, surveys have been carried out to inform and guide the processes, structures, tools, and behaviours that will support better collaboration in EUROCLIMA+


EUROCLIMA+ is a programme financed by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Agency for Development (AFD), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and UN Environment.

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Euroclima is the European Union's flagship programme on environmental sustainability and climate change with Latin America. It aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in Latin America by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation through resilience and investment. 
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