Water management: open call for projects

Brussels, Belgium, June 20, 2018. The EUROCLIMA+ programme, through the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), announce the launch of the call for projects for the Water Management component.

 The call is aimed at national and local authorities responsible for the policy and regulation of the water sector and potable water and sanitation services of the 18 Latin American country partners of the EUROCLIMA+ programme. The deadline for submitting projects is September 10, 2018 (before 23:59 Paris, France time).

Project proposals should contribute to the specific objective of the vertical component “Water management with an urban resilience perspective”. Its purpose is to strengthen the resilience of Latin American urban areas in facing the impacts of climate change, ensuring sustainable potable water supply services and incorporating the integral management approach to water resources.

Complete information on the call for projects and associated documents (eligibility criteria, selection procedure, pre-formulation sheet, etc.) should be requested from the designated National Focal Point  in each country.

The necessary documentation for participating in the proposal pre-selection phase must be sent as a single document in PDF format to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 For more information:

General EUROCLIMA+ programme contact for the press

Alexandra Cortés Mora

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Skype: alexandra_cortes  /  www.euroclima.org

WhatsApp +506 8879 6280