
Support for the design of the Climate Change Law - Chile

So that Chile can count on the technical elements that allow it to design a draft climate change law that strengthens the current institutional framework, generates management instruments that facilitate climate change adaptation actions in the country, and ensures compliance with Chile's international commitments to the Paris Agreement.

Having a climate change law that strengthens the current institutional framework is a condition that will allow a substantial improvement in the capacity to manage climate change for adaptation and mitigation in the country, as well as to generate the capacities needed to ensure compliance with Chile's international commitments, compliance with PANCC 2017-2022, and to complete Chile's NDC.

Expected results



Analysis of management instruments to be considered for the draft law to ensure compliance with Chile's NDC.


Proposal for a law project


Broad participatory process that allows discussions and agreements regarding the contents of the law project, at the level of citizens, public institutions with competence in climate change, at the level of Regional Climate Change Committees, Chambers of legislators and senators, academia, the private sector, etc.


Launch and Regional Governance

Initiation of the law drafting process and preparation with the Regional Climate Change Committees (CORECC)

July 2018

August - October 2018

Regional Involvement

Sectoral Governance

Involvement of sectoral institutions

October - November 2018

October 2018 - January 2019

Dialogues with Citizens

Workshops in all regions of the country

Draft law project

June 2019

June - July 2019

Public Consultation





Public consultation process for the framework law on climate change

process for the drafting of the Framework Law Project on Climate Change, through a broad multisectoral and multi-stakeholder participatory process.
November 2018


Citizen dialogues finished

Citizen Dialogues for the preparation of the draft Framework Law on Climate Change were completed.
January 2019



Why does Chile need a Climate Change Law?

Chile does not have a legal framework that allows assigning responsibilities for emissions reductions or requiring the implementation and reporting of measures to mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts of CC.

Why a Framework Law?

It establishes climate governance, powers and obligations of State agencies for climate action, at the vertical level (national to municipal) as well as the horizontal level (different sectors).

It institutionalises the State's vision, establishing the Carbon Neutrality goal in the Law. There is no stronger legal tool for ensuring compliance with this goal.

It makes State action more flexible, allowing adjustments in measures according to economic, technological, international, learning, or other changes.



Public consultation process on the draft framework law on climate change

The Ministry of the Environment, through the Climate Change Office, has carried out a process to draft the Framework Law on Climate Change, through a broad multisectoral and multi-stakeholder participatory process in order to gather the vision and experience of the different key actors in society.

With the support of the Euroclima+ Programme and the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policies (FIAPP), participatory workshops will be held in all regions of the country, with the aim of disseminating the main objectives and scope of the law and collecting citizen opinions and observations.

Date Month City Presentaciones
20 June Coyhaique    Regional Presentation
21 June Santiago Regional Presentation
24 June Punta Arenas Regional Presentation
26 June Iquique Regional Presentation
27 June Pozo Almonte Regional Presentation
1 July Arica
2 July Putre
2 July Castro Regional Presentation
3 July Puerto Montt Regional Presentation
3 July Concepción Regional Presentation
4 July Talca Regional Presentation
5 July Santiago Regional Presentation
8 July San Pedro de Atacama Regional Presentation
8 July Copiapó Regional Presentation
9 July Antofagasta Regional Presentation
9 July La Serena Regional Presentation
10 July Santiago Regional Presentation
11 July Chillán Regional Presentation
12 July Rancagua Regional Presentation
12 July Valparaíso

Regional Presentation

The purpose of this law is to address the challenges posed by climate change, to move towards a low level of greenhouse gas emissions until emissions neutrality is achieved, to increase resilience to the adverse effects of climate change, and to comply with the international commitments assumed by the State of Chile in this area.



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Euroclima is the European Union's flagship programme on environmental sustainability and climate change with Latin America. It aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in Latin America by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation through resilience and investment. 
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