Generation of downscaled climate change scenarios in Central America
CLIMATE SCENARIOS are estimates of possible future climate features. In order to have adequate spatial and temporal resolution, the DOWNSCALED SCENARIOS are generated, which serve as a reference for developing specific impact and vulnerability studies and assessing the needs of adaptation to climate change in different socioeconomic sectors (such as productive, civil defence or infrastructures) and ecological systems.
EUROCLIMA+ supports the generation of downscaled climate scenarios in several countries based on the indications of the last IPCC report (AR5), through the strengthening of national meteorological services, according to their needs, mobilising experts from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).
This action stems from the regional priorities identified in the framework of the intersectoral work carried out by the three Ibero-American cooperation networks in matters of weather, water and climate: CIMHET, CODIA and RIOCC.
Expected Results
The countries have specific downscaled climate scenarios for the Central American region (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama) agreed with users and with sufficient resolution for the information to be useful in planning appropriate adaptation measures to reduce the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts that are already beginning to be detected.WEB Viewer
One of the expected results is the development of a WEB VIEWER in which the different types of scenarios generated using different data sets, variables, and time periods, at various scales, can be viewed.Participants
Partner Institutions

Famine problems are already occurring in the dry corridor area due to the abandonment of crops. Given the risk that this will increase in the future, it is important to have climate change scenarios with the greatest possible resolution in order to estimate their possible expansion to other areas of the country, especially the central zone.
Scenarios for climate change adaptation in Nicaragua
EUROCLIMA+ held a meeting in Managua to present a climate change scenario viewer
March 13 2020
Anticipating Climate Change in Central America
Experts from AEMET are working to create possible scenarios for the region to configure the necessary adaptation strategies.
May 28 2018
Regionalised climate scenarios for confronting climate change
A meeting between the Ibero-American meteorological networks highlighted the importance of having climate projections adapted to the territories and presented experiences developed in the region.
July 24 2020
A climate scenario viewer for Central America
This new visualisation tool will allow the countries of the region to have regionalised climate change projections for designing their adaptation plans and policies more effectively.
July 16 2020
Learning about the impact of climate change in Central America by preparing scenarios
As part of the EUROCLIMA+ programme, a mission of experts has supported the generation of climate scenarios to understand the impact of climate change.
August 22 2019
Workshops on generating climate change scenarios in Honduras and El Salvador
EUROCLIMA+ supports the activities of the Project Generation of Climate Change Scenarios in Central America: Honduras and El Salvador.
February 25 2019
Climate Change Scenario User Workshops Continue: Guatemala
EUROCLIMA+ has held a new workshop to train potential users of regionalised climate change scenarios in Guatemala.
July 31 2020
Regionalised climate change scenarios for Central America
We interviewed Ernesto Rodríguez Camino, Head of the Climate Assessment and Modelling Area of AEMET.
January 23 2020
The scenarios we are talking about are climate change projections made using global models, and regionalised to the specific area that interests us, with the aid of high resolution regional models or statistical algorithms.
Scenario Viewer
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