V Regional Dialogue on Climate Financing in Latin America
Organisation of the V Regional Dialogue on Climate Financing with the objective of:
- Exchanging experiences about the main advances, challenges, and opportunities that completion of the NDCs poses for Latin American countries in terms of financing, taxation (taxes, subsidies, spending), public and private investment, among others.
- Presenting the current status and dynamics of the main sources and financial resources mobilised in the region to address climate change and to reflect on potential improvements.
- Identifying investment needs and opportunities in different sectors and levels and for access to climate financing to meet targets defined in NDCs and other climate policies.
- Assessing the needs for institutional strengthening to access sources of climate financing.
Expected Results
Identification of barriers and opportunities in accessing climate financing in the Latin American region.3
Advising Mechanism
Validation of the proposal for an advisory mechanism on NDC funding2
Report of conclusions and systematisation of the V Regional Dialogue on Climate Financing in Latin America.Download the report here
Experts analyse challenges for financing climate change projects
Costa Rica is hosting the event on funding and climate change.
San José, 19 March 2019
V Regional Dialogue on Climate Financing in Latin America
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