Accelerating climate action in Latin America - Messages from the sessions of the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow


This publication presents the results and lessons learnt from the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP 26. The document summarizes the key messages and some of the cases presented during the 44 events organized. This study highlights the extracted analyses, recommendations and statements on the state of climate action in Latin America. The six chapters of the document focus on: the ambition of climate plans, climate finance, cities as the epicenter of action, biodiversity and food, participation at all levels and from all sectors of society, and the relevance of climate collaboration to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Go to the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion website at COP26:

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Category: Serie Estudios temáticos
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Título: Accelerating climate action in Latin America - Messages from the sessions of the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow
Autor: Mariana Castaño Cano; Laura Betancur Alarcón; Guillermo Dascal
Año: July, 2022
Formato: PDF, 97 pag.

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