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Bulletin june 2021
Bulletin june 2021

The June 2021 e-bulletin highlights the main results or processes of the last quarter on the actions and projects that EUROCLIMA+ implements in the Latin American region. In this way, news, articles and other audiovisual information have been structured.

Green Recovery for Practitioners – Examples from around the World for Building Forward Better
Green Recovery for Practitioners – Examples from around the World for Building Forward Better

This report presents a compilation of examples that can inspire the practical implementation of a green recovery, drawing upon measures and instruments that have been deployed in countries worldwide, particularly in developing and emerging economies.

Guía de Sistema de Bicicletas Compartidas de Colombia
Guía de Sistema de Bicicletas Compartidas de Colombia

La Guía de Sistemas de Bicicletas Compartidas, responde a la acción 10 de la ENMA: “Promover la evaluación de la pertinencia técnica, normativa y financiera en la implementación de Sistemas de Bicicletas Públicas y/o Compartidas”.

Resiliencia y transporte: lecciones de la India mientras se responde al COVID-19
Resiliencia y transporte: lecciones de la India mientras se responde al COVID-19

Este webinar se realizó en inglés y su propósito fue escuahr a 3 expertos de alto nivel cómo es la situación con respecto al transporte y la movilidad, las consecuencias reales de las estrictas medidas tomadas por el gobierno y las lecciones aprendidas hasta ahora.

EUROCLIMA + at COP26 interactive brochure
EUROCLIMA + at COP26 interactive brochure

This interactive brochure on EUROCLIMA+ participation during COP26 will show you the objectives, description, agenda and speakers of each of the events in which the Programme participated as well as those that took place within the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion. Each link in the interactive document will take you to the website created exclusively for this COP26 meeting.

Emerging lessons about the catalytic role of Natural Resource Governance in the effective implementation of NDCs in Latin America
Emerging lessons about the catalytic role of Natural Resource Governance in the effective implementation of NDCs in Latin America

This study pursues the following objectives:

  • Identify challenges and best practices at the local level related to natural resource governance processes in Latin American countries.

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