Promoting a just and inclusive green transition: mainstreaming the gender perspective in policies and processes in Latin America and the Caribbean Webinar


Event held on March 16, 2022

EUROCLIMA+ recognizes that climate change has varied effects on women and men, since they are exposed to different climate shocks and experience different impacts related to their genderdifferentiated roles, rights, and opportunities.

Therefore, EUROCLIMA+ addresses gender equality as one of its guiding principles. The event will be an opportunity to showcase national and subnational level experiences on how to construct gender-responsive climate change policy processes, and will highlight the efforts to strengthen regional processes for South-South-collaboration on gender, climate change and environmental conservation.

The event will be organised in two sections, a high-level one with representatives of the European Union, cooperation agencies and United Nations agencies, which will frame the conversation, and a panel discussion with government representatives and specialists in the field with the aim of:

● Sharing good practices for gender mainstreaming in climate action in the Latin American and Caribbean region based on initiatives promoted by EUROCLIMA+.

● Identifying barriers to carry out projects of this nature and strategies to overcome to implement climate actions with a gender perspective

● Exchanging reflections on key and inspiring elements of these initiatives that facilitate their incorporation into public policies.

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Título: Promoting a just and inclusive green transition: mainstreaming the gender perspective in policies and processes in Latin America and the Caribbean
Año: Marzo, 2022

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Euroclima es el programa insignia de la Unión Europea sobre sostenibilidad ambiental y cambio climático con América Latina. Su objetivo es reducir el impacto del cambio climático y sus efectos en América Latina promoviendo la mitagación y adaptación al cambio climático a la resiliencia y la inversión. 
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