The RAUS holds its III Climate Change Forum with the aim of exchanging experiences on climate change education, taking into account the goals of the NDC and the 2050 strategy.
The RAUS holds its III Climate Change Forum with the aim of exchanging experiences on climate change education, taking into account the goals of the NDC and the 2050 strategy.
The event is sponsored by the European Union’s EUROCLIMA+ and EUROsociAL+ programs, with technical support from the ECLAC.
The invitation to present event proposals in the EUROCLIMA + Pavilion is open. Deadline: September 17, 2021.
The event held on 12 August was jointly organised by the EUROCLIMA+ Programme, through the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), in partnership with the Chilean Ministry of Environment (MMA) and with the collaboration of the NDC Partnership and the Regional Collaboration Centre for Latin America of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (RCC Panama).