Side event at COP26 discussed sectoral roadmaps for private sector decarbonisation

The event was led by the ArticuLAC initiative in conjunction with several regional partners, and presented the progress made in Costa Rica and Brazil,

as well as a discussion on the prospects for replication and synergies with similar initiatives in other countries of the region.

San José, Costa Rica, 23 November 2021. In the framework of the recently concluded Twenty-Sixth Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, a side event was held on 4 November at the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion, with the aim of analysing the opportunities and challenges of establishing and implementing sectoral decarbonisation roadmaps as a tool to enhance cross-sectoral articulation, increase corporate climate ambition and improve the alignment of climate action in the private sector with national and international targets.

The event was led by the initiative ArticuLAC: Community of Practice on Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action, in collaboration with several institutional partners in Costa Rica and Brazil.

The activity included a panel discussion, moderated by Pablo Rojas, GIZ Regional Advisor for EUROCLIMA+, in which Laura Mora, advisor to the Costa Rican Ministry of Environment and Energy, described the methodological approach being used to formulate roadmaps to guide the decarbonisation process in different sectors, a joint effort of several institutional partners, including the Climate Change Directorate, the NDC Action project (UNEP-DTU), the EUROCLIMA+ Programme, the Climate Action Project (GIZ Costa Rica) and the Business Alliance for Development (AED).  On behalf of AED, Elizabeth Venegas, environmental director, commented on how the participation of the private sector in this process is being organised and the opportunities this brings for companies. Next, Carolina Genin, climate director of WRI Brazil, commented on the study "New Economy for Brazil (NEB)", published by the organisation and focused on the economic, social and environmental consequences that a sustainable transition of the Brazilian economy would bring. To close the panel, the three experts shared their views on the main challenges for the design and implementation of sectoral decarbonisation roadmaps in their countries, as well as recommendations for other countries and actors that want to start working on this issue.

This was followed by a discussion on the prospects for the replication of sectoral roadmaps, experiences with similar approaches, as well as opportunities for articulation and synergies, with the participation of two experts from ArticuLAC member organisations. First, Johanna Guzmán, from the Sustainability and Climate Change Agency of Chile, shared lessons learned from the implementation of clean production agreements that have been successfully implemented in that country for almost two decades, which can contribute to strengthening the processes of formulating sectoral decarbonisation roadmaps.  Virginia Vilariño, from the Argentinean Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEADS), provided her perspective on the methodology in Argentina and other countries in the region, and commented on ongoing efforts in her country. Both mentioned the opportunities that spaces such as ArticuLAC open up to exchange experiences and realise synergies between countries, to develop planning and management tools that allow for the promotion and articulation of private sector action towards the decarbonisation of key economic sectors. This panel was moderated by Ana María Majano, coordinator of ArticuLAC.

The event was also attended by Andrew Scyner, EUROCLIMA+ manager at the European Commission, who welcomed and explained the objectives of the event, and Marc Chapellier, expert of the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP) in the framework of EUROCLIMA+, who recapped the key messages of the session. This activity combined the participation of panellists in person and by virtual means, and it was broadcast on the EUROCLIMA+ Youtube channel. 

Contact Information

Pablo Rojas, Regional Advisor for GIZ/EUROCLIMA+:

Ana María Majano, Coordinator of the Community of Practice, LEDS LAC Platform and CLACDS/INCAE:


EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union and co-financed by the German federal government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), as well as by the governments of France and Spain. It aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation, resilience and investment.

The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, and the UN Environment Programme.

Euroclima is the European Union's flagship programme on environmental sustainability and climate change with Latin America. It aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in Latin America by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation through resilience and investment. 
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