Development of the Low Carbon Economic and Social Development Strategy of the Republic of Panama to 2050
The EUROCLIMA+ programme will support the preparation of the Low Carbon Economic and Social Development Strategy of the Republic of Panama to 2050, which will be led by the Directorate of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment of Panama (MiAMBIENTE).
Executive Decree N°100/2020 assigned MiAMBIENTE the preparation and periodic publication of a National Strategy for Low Carbon Economic and Social Development. In 2019, Panama's National Climate Change Strategy (ENCCP) was approved; however, in order to respond to national and international obligations, the ENCCP must continue to be consolidated.
In this process EUROCLIMA+ will accompany the work for the updating of the ENCCP, which involves the base studies of the Low Carbon Economic and Social Development Strategy to 2050. Approached from a gender perspective, this strategy will be based on the projections of GHG emissions from the main sources and will contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy.