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Le invitamos a revisar los diferentes seminarios, conferencias, talleres y ponencias que EUROCLIMA+ ha impulsado mediante las plataformas virtuales.

COP27: Día de la biodiversidad y el cambio climático

Dada la gran relevancia que tiene el tema de la biodiversidad, en el marco de la COP27 en Sharm El Sheik, en el Pabellón de Euroclima a lo largo del día se expusieron las visiones de diferentes actores: entidades gubernamentales, representantes de pueblos indígenas, sociedad civil, instituciones financieras y gremio de empresas privadas.

Business model innovations for electric mobility

Latin America and the Caribbean is experiencing a revolution on electric mobility. Innovation, sustainability and circular economy projects are a priority in the region. Get to know the main trends and how to to reduce risks and costs, and overcome the barriers.

UE y Chile juntos por la acción climática: desde lo global a lo local

Objetivos del evento: 1) Destacar la cooperación estratégica entre UE y Chile en acción climática. 2) Presentar la Team Europe initiative (TEI) sobre Hidrógeno Verde. 3) Presentar el Plan de Acción del Diálogo Chile - EUROCLIMA+.

Programa Glasgow ACE 2021: Retos y Oportunidades en ACE en la Región América Latina

Este webinar permitió compartir experiencias y reflexiones que, desde los países latinoamericanos, se están llevando a cabo para implementar educación, la formación, la sensibilización social, el acceso a la información, la participación ciudadana y la cooperación internacional como elementos indispensables para la implementación del Programa de Glasgow COP26.

Promoting a just and inclusive green transition: mainstreaming the gender perspective in policies and processes in Latin America and the Caribbean

The EUROCLIMA+ Programme will hold this event in the framework of the Sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) which will take place from 14 to 25 March 2022 in New York City, United States.

Has Glaslow turned the tide on climate ambition in transport?

This event reports on COP26 and its results, as well as the implications for the future work of stakeholders in the transport sector around the world.

Regional Meeting about Climate Change and Gender Equality: session 7

The Regional Meeting on Climate Change and Gender Equality will be held virtually through various sessions throughout the month of September 2021. This session is titled: High Level Closing Panel: Synergies with other sustainable development agendas

Regional Meeting about Climate Change and Gender Equality: session 6

The Regional Meeting on Climate Change and Gender Equality will be held virtually through various sessions throughout the month of September 2021. This session is titled: Women agents of change: Experiences in Dynamizing Sectors for a Major Environmental Boost with Gender Equality

Regional Meeting about Climate Change and Gender Equality: session 5

The Regional Meeting on Climate Change and Gender Equality will be held virtually through various sessions throughout the month of September 2021. This session is titled: Sex-disaggregated Data toward Climate Change Indicators with Gender Perspective

Raising climate ambition and promoting green recovery: Country experiences from around the world

Raising climate ambition and promoting green recovery: Country experiences from around the world on the NDC revision and update process. The event aims at generating an exchange of experiences on how climate ambition will guide and promote a green recovery, based on a long-term vision to move countries towards carbon neutrality and resilience.

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