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Factsheet: Nature-based solutions (NbS) in the NDCs of Latin American and Caribbean countries: classification of climate action commitments


Nature-based Solutions have increasingly gained relevance in the field of climate action, and have been incorporated into countries' climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions - NDCs).

The EUROCLIMA+ programme proposes a classification to identify and categorise climate actions in NDCs with an SbN approach. An analysis of NDCs of 16 EUROCLIMA+ countries that have submitted updates of their commitments as of June 2022 was carried out.

This factsheet summarises the key concepts of Technical Document 17 "Nature-based solutions in the NDCs of Latin American and Caribbean countries: classification of commitments for climate action".

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Factsheet en español 

Category: Folletos
File Size: 3.84 MB
Hits: 4314 Hits
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Título: Nature-based solutions (NbS) in the NDCs of Latin American and Caribbean countries: classification of climate action commitments
Autor: Mauricio Luna, Rodrigo Villate Rivera, María Fernanda Contreras del Valle
Año: 2022
Autor institucional: EUROCLIMA+, GIZ, EF
Formato: PDF: 7 p.

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