
Integration of SOURCE and SARAS

The issue of climate finance and in particular the structuring of bankable climate projects is key to the implementation of the NDCs.

To address these needs, this action supports the adaptation and implementation of the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation's SOURCE tool and a Social and Environmental Risk Analysis System (SARAS). This will aim to provide tools and analysis frameworks to improve the structuring of projects that are better aligned with the NDCs and SDGs, including aspects for improving access to private sector financing. As part of the process, activities will be implemented to adapt the tools to the national context, pilot priority projects within the tool and training sessions.

The main objective of the pilot application of SOURCE and SARAS is to improve the capacity of EUROCLIMA+ partner countries to structure projects for climate finance.


General Objective

Improve the capacity of EUROCLIMA+ partner countries to structure projects for climate financing

Specific Objective

Strengthen the institutional capacities of EC+ partner countries in structuring climate projects and accessing financing.

Expected Results

Adaptation and application of the SOURCE tool to manage the project/portfolio development process in EUROCLIMA+ priority areas.
Design and implementation of a Social and Environmental Risk Analysis System (SARAS) to strengthen the alignment of project portfolios with environmental and climate change frameworks.



Partner Institutions

INCAE Business School, Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF)