
Generate the conditions for investments in the deployment of solar generation distributed in the region.

Period of implementation: July 2021 - December 2024 

This action promotes distributed solar photovoltaic generation (DSG) in the region by fostering dialogue for the regulation of self-consumption of electricity and the integration of a community of practice in the Latin American and Caribbean region. 

This platform created by the UN Environment Programme aims to enhance the market opportunities of distributed solar photovoltaic generation primarily from a banking sector perspective, mainly the commercial banking sector. This initiative targets investment and commercial banks, decision makers, the solar industry and consumers. 

The initiative will work to advance the DSG from several angles: 

  • Diagnosis: Carry out a diagnosis of the distributed photovoltaic market oriented towards the financial sector in terms of demand, legal frameworks, technological offer, financing and risks. 
  • Tools: Provide public and private banks with tools to understand the solar PV market through training courses and communities of practice. 
  • Mechanisms: Work with the financial sector, national banks and decision-makers to develop funding proposals. 
  • Capacity building: Structuring and managing the Regional Knowledge Platform on Distributed Photovoltaic Solar Generation to generate a community of exchange of ideas and experiences.

Results achieved


Strategies on green recovery

Policy papers will be developed that integrate the issue of post-COVID economic recovery

Capacity building

This action will develop various exchanges such as virtual and face-to-face events, talks, courses, materials on best practices and other products that aim to support capacity building in the area of green recovery.



Partner Institutions




More information: 

Mercedes García Fariña, UNEP: 


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