
Acceleration of sustainable urban mobility projects in Brazilian cities

Period of implementation: 19/12/2020 - 31/12/2022 

This action aims to support the private and public sector in the development of sustainable urban mobility projects, and at the same time is expected to increase access to green and climate finance opportunities with the aim of accelerating the fulfilment of the obligations acquired by the National Government for the reduction of greenhouse gases (NDC commitments).  

Therefore, a diagnosis will be developed to understand the context of the financing of urban mobility projects. This diagnosis will include a mapping and systematisation of funds, credit lines and criteria adopted for the design of sustainable urban mobility projects, which will be used to create a tool for bankable projects focused on the Brazilian context. 

The beneficiaries of this action will be the national government, states and cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants. 


Contribute to the implementation of sustainable urban mobility projects aimed at the reduction of greenhouse gases and the scope of the Brazilian NDC

Results achieved


Eligibility for green funding

Sustainable urban mobility projects will be reviewed to ensure that they incorporate mitigation and adaptation measures that make them eligible for green financing opportunities.


Spaces for exchange will be encouraged to contribute to the dialogue between groups of actors involved and interested in accessing funding opportunities.


Several processes will be developed in order to facilitate access to existing funding opportunities in Brazil.


Access to relevant information on how to prepare project proposals will be facilitated.



Partner Institutions

Ministry of Regional Development, Brazil 

Ministry of the Economy 

National Bank for Economic and Social Development, Brazil 



More information: 

Michael Engelskirchen GIZ:

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