EUROCLIMA results of the First Phase


The objective of the first phase of EUROCLIMA has been to improve the knowledge of Latin American decision-makers and scientists regarding the problems and consequences of climate change, in order to integrate them in sustainable development strategies.

Climate Change is a high priority for Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as for the European Union, and therefore one of the key themes of the EU-LAC relations. The Santiago Declaration, outcome of the Summit celebrated in Chile, January 2013, reiterated the importance of climate change for both regions and recognized the EUROCLIMA programme’s accomplishments.

Category: Informes y documentos institucionales
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Título: EUROCLIMA results of the First Phase
Autor: Technical Assistance, EUROCLIMA program
Año: 2013
Autor institucional: European Union, EUROCLIMA program
Formato: PDF: 12 p.

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