Annual Meeting Report EUROCLIMA+ 2022


As every year, the partners of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme have met in the last quarter of 2022 to take stock of the results achieved and plan for the future. This year's Annual Meeting has been marked by the expansion of the Program to the Caribbean, increasing the number of partner countries from 19 to 33, and increasing its sectoral focus in the area of biodiversity and circular economy. 

The Annual Meeting has been a privileged occasion to welcome the new partners, share with them experiences and visions for the future, and agree on an approach focused on meeting the increased ambitions. 

Accepting the invitation of the Government of Uruguay, the meeting was held in Montevideo from 28th to 30th of September, also taking advantage of the meeting of beneficiaries of the EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility projects, which took place in the same week, to share some spaces and learnings. 

After two years (2020-2021) during which the EUROCLIMA+ Annual Meeting has been held virtually, the face-to-face modality has resumed in 2022, however maintaining the possibility to participate remotely for all participants who have not been able to travel to Montevideo, thanks to the hybrid modality that has been adopted throughout the entire meeting. 

Category: Informes y documentos institucionales
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Título: Annual Meeting Report EUROCLIMA+ 2022
Año: 2022
Formato: PDF

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