Closing the climate investment gap and promoting a Green Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Challenges and opportunities for policy makers and development practitioners on how to bridge the climate finance gap

Despite the half-trillion record mark reached by the climate finance flows in the last few years, increasing climate ambition is necessary to meet the global goal of keeping the temperature increase below 2°C or even 1.5°C2. Governments need to send clear policy signals to promote a real decarbonization across the entire economy. Development Finance Institutions and multilateral development banks play a key role when partnering with the private sector, embedding sustainability into their lending activities, and ultimately leveraging more capital.

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Título: Closing the climate investment gap and promoting a Green Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Autor: Laura Cruz (GIZ), Olaya Lombardero (CIF), Gisela Campillo (LAIF), Rodolfo Lazarich (LAIF)
Año: 2022
Autor institucional: EUROCLIMA+, LAIF y CIF
Formato: PDF

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