Progress on Climate Action in Latin America: Nationally Determined Contributions as of 2019


Those who access this document will be able to learn about the policies and strategies advanced by each of the 18 Latin American countries studied, in the definition and planning of their national actions to contribute to the reduction of the factors that cause climate change.

Also available in Spanish

It should be noted that this study is part of the initiative "Dialogue among Peers to Enhance the Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in Latin America under the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme", developed through a strategic alliance between the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), with support from the AVINA Foundation under the Climate Governance component of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme. This initiative facilitates cooperation among peers to enhance the implementation of NDCs and other commitments that Latin American countries have made in the Paris Agreement.

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Título: Progress on Climate Action in Latin America: Nationally Determined Contributions as of 2019
Autor: María Gracia Aguilar, Diego Calero, María Paz Cigarán, Carolina Chambi, Carolina Proaño y Pía Zevallos, integrantes del equipo Libélula Gestión en Cambio Climático y Comunicación
Año: 2019
Autor institucional: Unión Europea
Catálogo: MN-AL-19-001-ES-N
Formato: PDF 180p.

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