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Boletín agosto 2018
Boletín agosto 2018

Este boletín electrónico de agosto 2018 informa sobre el evento EUROCLIMA+ en acción llevado a cabo en Uruguay.

Summary of Thematic Study 22: Accelerating climate action in Latin America - Messages from the sessions of the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow
Summary of Thematic Study 22: Accelerating climate action in Latin America - Messages from the sessions of the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow

This document offers a non-exhaustive summary of the key messages of Thematic Study 22 “Accelerating climate action in Latin America – Messages from the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion sessions at COP26 in Glasgow”.

City Adapt- Implementing Urban Nature based Solutions and working with informal settlements in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
City Adapt- Implementing Urban Nature based Solutions and working with informal settlements in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

These interventions include a community consultation process in informal settlements for the development of climate action plans, urban agroforests and gardens, greening and establishment of parks and public spaces across the city, a green corridor linking the city of Contagem with Belo Horizonte.

Regional Meeting about Climate Change and Gender Equality: session 3
Regional Meeting about Climate Change and Gender Equality: session 3

The Regional Meeting on Climate Change and Gender Equality will be held virtually through various sessions throughout the month of September 2021. This session is titled: Coherence in Climate Policy and National Advances

Means to promote the financing, sustainability and effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions
Means to promote the financing, sustainability and effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions

NbS have played a central role in the discussions at the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) in recent years, especially at the COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Despite the fact that NbS are widely recognized as effective measures to address the challenges associated with climate change, there are still some challenges to their implementation.

Política Nacional de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible del Ecuador (Síntesis)
Política Nacional de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible del Ecuador (Síntesis)

La Política Nacional de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PNMUS) del Ecuador constituye el marco legal para que los Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados (GAD)

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