Contributions of indigenous peoples to climate action in Latin America: Experiences in the forests, biodiversity and ecosystems sector


The EUROCLIMA+ programme projects in the “Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems” (FBE) sector are implemented, in most cases, in regions with indigenous populations. Many of the implementing entities of these projects have extensive experience and knowledge of the problems of indigenous peoples and the promotion of their rights. Similarly, some of these entities have been working with indigenous peoples and local communities for a long time, collecting and systematizing their knowledge on vulnerability to climate change, in addition to identifying climate change mitigation and/or adaptation solutions that are currently being implemented, or finding new solutions together.

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Título: Contributions of indigenous peoples to climate action in Latin America: Experiences in the forests, biodiversity and ecosystems sector
Autor: Iván Égido
Año: 2022
Autor institucional: GIZ, Expertise France
Catálogo: MN-BK-21-003-EN-N
Formato: PDF

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