City Adapt- Implementing Urban Nature based Solutions and working with informal settlements in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Webinar


September 15, 2021.

Speaker: JÚLIO CÉSAR DE MARCO, Architect and Urbanist Representative of the municipality of Belo Horizonte (PBH) at COMPasso Department of the Environment (SMMA) Júlio holds a master’s in Built Environment and Sustainable Heritage from UFMG, Brazil, and specialized in Planning Studies for Developing Countries at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland.

He works for the city government of Belo Horizonte, and has experience in urban legislation, land development, technical urban registry and urban afforestation, in addition to being a representative on the Municipal Committee for Climate Change and Eco-efficiency.

COMPasso An innovative partnership combining the knowledge and skills of actors from academia, government and communities across Belo Horizonte, Brazil,

COMPASSO is implementing adaptation interventions in vulnerable areas of the city to build resilience to climate impacts, including flooding, landslides and rising temperatures. These interventions include a community consultation process in informal settlements for the development of climate action plans, urban agroforests and gardens, greening and establishment of parks and public spaces across the city, a green corridor linking the city of Contagem with Belo Horizonte, and the creation of alternative livelihoods with a focus on gender inclusion, among other initiatives.

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Título: City Adapt- Implementing Urban Nature based Solutions and working with informal settlements in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Autor: PNUMA
Año: Septiembre, 2021

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