With support from EUROCLIMA+, the first capacity building course for sustainable urban mobility planning is held.
21 September 2021, Arequipa, Peru - The city of Arequipa held the first course of the capacity building programme "Planning urban mobility to make it more sustainable", which was carried out with the active participation of local authorities and key stakeholders.
The provincial municipality, located in southern Peru, is in the process of developing its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), which is carried out in the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ programme with support from the French Development Agency (AFD). The SUMP development process will include the analysis of existing mobility, the establishment of a vision, objectives and targets for the future and the selection of concrete measures and actions for implementation.
“The approach for this course is within the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan process". One of its components, and perhaps one of the most important, is its participatory approach. And one of its pillars is capacity building for officials and stakeholders who accompany us in the participatory process," said Sonia Anglada, Management Coordinator of the Municipal Planning Institute (IMPLA) of Arequipa.
This first introductory course provided an opportunity to reflect on the basics of sustainable urban planning and resilience issues. In addition, the crisis generated by COVID-19 has impacted cities in various sectors including mobility and its planning. It is crucial today to adapt to changing mobility patterns and municipal authorities need methodologies and measures that ensure a continuation of mobility services and at the same time do not lose sight of the future. In this context, the course focused on how to plan urban mobility to make it more resilient and robust in times of crisis.
Through 3 webinars and a virtual workshop on 25-26 August, 1 and 3 September, participants learned about the basics of sustainable urban mobility planning and reflected on the concepts of resilience and its relevance for mobility planning.
Various experts of the consortium, invited guests and local authorities from Peruvian and Latin American cities shared their experiences and best practices of adapting their SUMPs and resilient mobility measures. These contributions were:
- Katy Huaylla, specialist in mobility policies EGIS-Rupprecht Consult, explained the basics of sustainable urban mobility planning, the principles and the process of developing a SUMP.
- Laura Babío, POLIS Cities and Regions, spoke to us about resilience concepts in mobility planning during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Pablo Juica, advisor to German Development Cooperation (GIZ), presented emergency planning for the COVID-19 crisis in Latin American cities.
- Mariela Tantaleán, General Manager of Transportes Metropolitanos de Trujillo (Peru), highlighted how the Trujillo SUMP was approved in the midst of the crisis and the resilient measures that were developed in Trujillo.
- Miguel Angel Roguiguez, Director of metropolitan planning at IMEPLAN, Guadalajara (Mexico) detailed the resilient mobility measures that were implemented during the crisis in Guadalajara.
- Hugo Pizarro, Planning and Regional Development Division of Antofagasta, GORE, Antofagasta (Chile) presented the process of developing the Antofagasta SUMP during the pandemic.
The last session was developed in a practical and interactive way through a digital workshop. Key local authorities in Arequipa were convened to discuss collaborative tasks for possible resilience measures that could be implemented in selected areas in the city. This allowed reflection on the possibilities of including resilience in Arequipa and in the SUMP under development.
In total, around 54 local authorities and key stakeholders of the Arequipa SUMP, including a large group of DialogueMUS and MuniMUS members actively participated in the seminars and digital workshop by commenting and proposing ideas on the topics of each session.
Currently the course is still under development as the asynchronous component (assignments, discussion forums, videos and supplementary review material) is still open for completion until 17 September.
This is the first of a series of 5 courses that will be developed throughout the formulation of the Arequipa SUMP until its finalisation. The following courses will focus on other key issues related to the SUMP preparation process.
Many thanks for the active participation! We look forward to continuing the course and hope that the spaces for exchange will continue to be as productive.
EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union and co-financed by the German Federal Government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), as well as by the governments of France and Spain. Its objective is to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation, resilience and investment. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the UN Environment Programme.
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