EUROCLIMA+ will participate in experience exchanges from the transport sector in the Latin America Regional Programme.
15 June 2021.- The 2021 Transport and Climate Change Week will take place from 21 to 25 June. This event will promote the international exchange of knowledge and experiences, exchanges among peers and the creation of a network among professionals from developing countries and emerging economies focused on the transport sector.
The event is implemented by GIZ and funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). During the week there will be a Latin America Regional Programme, in which projects and the Urban Mobility sector team of the EUROCLIMA+ programme will participate.
To participate, we invite you to create an account on the website, which will allow you to access the full agenda, add events to a personal calendar, access recorded sessions, and connect and interact with other participants.
We also invite you to learn more about the highlights of the Latin America Regional Programme:
Welcome. Connecting ideas for sustainable mobility, the Latin American experience
Date and time: 21 June, 22:30 - 24:00 (CET)
Objective: Welcome guests, give a sense of being on a journey together during the week, give an overview of the week's programme. Introduce the participants and inspire us with an emblematic case from the region.
Panel discussion: How does urban mobility contribute to the green recovery? An opportunity in times of crisis
Date and time: 21 June, 20:30 - 21:30 (CET)
Objective: Presentation of the impact of COVID-19 on transport in Latin America and discussion of how this crisis can become an opportunity for sustainable, low-carbon mobility. Session comprised of presentations by speakers and debate and interaction with the audience.
Workshop. Gender and mobility: urgency, importance and necessity.
Date and time: 22 June, 20:00 - 21:30 (CET)
Objective: Through best practices and lessons learned, the need to mainstream the gender perspective in climate change mitigation measures will be highlighted, with the aim of getting more women actively involved as decision-makers and users of greener modes of transport.
Workshop. An opportunity for non-motorised urban planning.
Date and time: 22 June, 22:00 - 23:30 (CET)
Objective: By bringing together relevant stakeholders from different countries, this workshop aims to spark a conversation on the first aspect of the E-C-M approach: the "avoidance" aspect. The session hopes to generate a conversation on how to reduce kilometres and the number of trips in Latin American cities.
Panel discussion. Towards clean and efficient heavy duty vehicles
Date and time: 23 June, 20:00 - 23:15 (CET)
Objective: This panel discussion will analyse possible policy instruments to promote cleaner and more efficient trucks and buses. Experts from government and civil society in Latin America are invited to discuss the benefits and challenges of various measures, including fuel emission standards and fleet renewal programmes.
Workshop. MRV for transport: visualising and leading the route.
Date and time: 23 June, 20:30 - 21:30 (CET)
Objective: Discussion of the different GIZ MRV tools and programmes that have taken place in Latin America and how they can help us change transport.
Beyond electrification: other urgencies of public transport in Latin America.
Date and time: 23 June, 22:30 - 23:30 (CET)
Objective: Through three presentations of cases in Santiago de Chile, the opportunity of fleet renewal and electrification to improve other key aspects of public transport in the region, such as segregation and harassment, will be discussed. With space for debate and interaction with the audience.
Closing session. Moving into the future, our Latin American e commitment
Date and time: 23 June, 22:00 - 23:30 (CET)
Objective: Closing of the Latin American regional programme with a visual summary of the week and identification of successful experiences. An opportunity for high-level speakers from the region to report on the way forward and upcoming activities.
Workshop. Efficient driving, a tool to improve the transport of cargo and goods.
Date and time: 24 June, 20:00 - 21:30 (CET)
Objective: Activities related to efficient driving will be shared and different implementation mechanisms, impacts and efforts to ensure sustainability as a mechanism to make road freight and cargo transport more efficient and safer will be discussed.
Workshop. Electric mobility in Latin America
Date and time: 24 June, 20:00 - 22:00 (CET)
Objective: This will offer a closer look at electric mobility in Latin America, with a focus on electric buses and electric micro-mobility. An overview of the status quo and case studies will be provided.
Workshop. highway or fleet electrification: financing mechanisms and solutions.
Date and time: 24 June, 22:00 - 23:30 (CET)
Objective: Discussion on the financial challenges and mechanisms available to undertake fleet electrification. This session aims to generate a discussion on the challenges and financial mechanisms available to undertake fleet electrification.
EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and UN Environment.