Conference Cycle: The probable and possible futures of the Greater American Chaco

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During October and November an International Virtual Seminar will be held about the contributions for the design of exploratory and normative scenarios

Through a cycle of virtual conferences, the project “Living and Producing in the Chaco Forest”  aims to reflect on how to think and collectively plan the future of the Chaco region, and the possibility of designing a sustainable future. It also seeks to present advances in the development of scenarios on land use changes in the region, and their probable modifications for the years 2015, 2030 and 2050.

This cycle of conferences also hopes to mobilise approaches, methods and tools that will allow us to think about multiple and possible futures that will contribute to the strengthening and development of public policies. Toward this end, social, political, and economic aspects will be analysed.

The presentations of the experts and the members of the project team will be made through a series of 5 virtual conferences. They will analyse the social and climate challenges that are currently being faced and propose effective solutions for sustainable development.

Inaugural Conference: "Spatial Scenarios on land use changes in the Greater American Chaco Region

Date: 7/10/2020
Time: 14:00 hrs (Argentina)

Objective: Presentation of methods and advances in Land Use Change scenarios in the Greater American Chaco Region.


Follow the live transmission here:


José Norberto Volante, Graduate in Natural Resources (UN Salta), Specialist in Environmental Remote Sensing for Territory Analysis (UP Madrid) PhD in Agricultural Sciences (UBA), Coordinator of the National Programme for Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecoregions, Salta Agricultural Experimental Station, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)

María Jesús Mosciaro, Engineer in Natural Resources and Environment (UN Salta), Master in Geographic Information Technology Sciences (Univ. of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid), Researcher at the Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory, Natural Resources Area, Salta Agricultural Experimental Station. National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)

Gastón Godoy Garraza, Architect (UNMdP), Specialist in Socio-Territorial Management and Social Participation in Public Policy (Flacso), Co-coordinator of the International Research Network AgriteRRIs, Research and Technological Development Institute for Family Agriculture, NOA Region. National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)

 More information coming soon.  


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