Implementing the 'Observatory on Amazon fruits and climate change'

Implementation period

10 months

Overall project amount

€ 133,670




General objective: Supporting the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions of the forest sector in Bolivia and Peru through integrated and sustainable management models of the Amazon Forest.

Specific objective: Strengthen the management of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) as a strategy that consolidates the integrated and sustainable management of Bolivia's Amazon forest, favouring mitigation and adaptation to climate change.


87,550 people linked to the harvesting of Amazonian fruits, including inhabitants of indigenous and peasant communities.


“Uno de los logros más importantes del observatorio fue insertar a los productores relacionados con el aprovechamiento de frutos amazónicos en el uso de la tecnología como estaciones climáticas y drones que les proporcionará información que les ayude a optimizar los procesos en sus actividades productivas, incluso el acceso a mercado. Es un desafío y un reto para ellos”  

Daniel Larrea, Gerente del Proyecto: Implementando el Observatorio de frutos Amazónicos y Cambio Climático ACEAA-Conservación Amazónica

Bolivia exports an average of 26,000 tonnes of shelled Brazil nuts. Its commercialisation represents more than 75% of the economic turnover of the Amazonian North and is a "support" resource based on which the use of the territory is structured and local organisations are articulated.


Bolivia promotes integrated and sustainable forest management as a public policy and as a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation. This is evident in the Framework Law of Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living Well (Ley Marco de la Madre Tierra y Desarrollo Integral para Vivir Bien, Ley 300) as well as in the Economic and Social Development Plan and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

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