Governance for rainwater harvesting with gender equity and interculturality

Implementation period

10 months

Overall project amount

€ 189,727


Costa Rica



General objective

Improving water harvesting governance and its relationship with forests and agriculture in climate-sustainable landscapes.

Specific objective

  • Improve the regulatory and policy framework on planting and harvesting water and its relationship with forests and agriculture as components of the landscape.
  • Consolidate the processes of building water infrastructure for planting and harvesting water.
  • Consolidate the design of financial instruments for the sustainability of ecosystem services associated with natural infrastructure.


  • 12,000 small-scale producers in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
  • Approximately 150,000 people (50 % women, 50 % men) in the cantons of Tilarán, Cañas, Bagaces, Abangares, Liberia and La Cruz in Costa Rica.
  • Close to 3,000 families (60 % men and 40% women) agricultural producers in Piura, Peru
  • Approximately 1.8 million people depend on the water that is "produced" in the Chira basin, Piura, Peru.


The project is facilitating strategic technical dialogue between two countries and is generating knowledge on the conservation of ecosystems that secure water supply and financial schemes to conserve these ecosystems.

In Piura, Peru, drought losses amounted to more than 50 million euros in 2016 and in 2017, the floods resulted in 17 deaths and 2,643 million euros in economic losses. The planting and harvesting of rainwater, through infiltration, makes water available in the dry season. In addition, this infrastructure captures water in times of heavy rainfall.


The project aims to influence the governance of water harvesting in both Peru and Costa Rica.


Leader Organization


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