Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area and Analysis of metropolitan movements
Implemented by
Address the challenges of sustainable mobility planning through participatory processes with a comprehensive vision of the various modes of transport between municipalities.
This through the improvement of the Integral Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility (Spanish acronym PIMUS) of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area and a digital tool for data collection on formal and informal public transport to design and implement new systems for sustainable mobility on metropolitan scales
Challenges in the region
- It is the second largest metropolis in Mexico, with 5 million inhabitants and 9 municipalities
- The PIMUS methodology needs to be improved with updated information
- There is a lack of comprehensive planning for mobility between municipalities
- Decoupling of urban development and mobility planning
- Improve the quality of public transport service: there are long waiting times, and routes with similar stops
Guadalajara Metropolitan Area,
Local level Plans (SUMP)
Pilot Project
Overall Project Amount
Implementation period
2018 - 2021
Project phases
Status Quo
Evaluation and collection of available information on urban mobilityImplementation design and strategies
Design of methodologies to develop the plan and the digital tool for data collection, as well as strategies and actions for its implementation and integrationStrengthening capacities
Implementation of training for authorities on financing, MRV systems, freight transport, gender, data, and mobility planning, among othersCommunication
Communication campaign for the dissemination and socialisation of the plan and the digital toolValidation
Submission and approval of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to the Metropolitan Coordination BoardExpected results
Integrated Mobility Plan
An Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility that integrates the 9 municipalities, all modes of transport in alignment with the Metropolitan Land Use PlanTravel analysis application
Innovative and accessible methodology for collecting and analysing data on mobility patterns using digital technologies, which will be integrated into the PIMUS as an evaluation and prospecting system in mobility planningStrengthening capacities
Strengthening technical capacities of institutions to achieve adequate processes in sustainable mobility planning, integrating new methodologies for data collection through mobile platformsLatest related news
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Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Urrego Directorate of Metropolitan Planning |
Cecilia Loaiza Cisneros Mobility Management |
Main applicant
Guadalajara Metropolitan Area Planning Institute (IMEPLAN)
- Metropolitan Planning Board
- Mobility Directorates of the AMG municipalities
- Non-Motorized Mobility Councils (Guadalajara and the State of Jalisco)
- Metropolitan Projects Bank
- University Network for Mobility, White Bicycle, The Other Faces of the City (civil society)
- Federal Statistical Institute
- Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
- Citizens' Observatory for Mobility and Transport of the State of Jalisco, Regional Ministerial Secretariat for Housing and Urban Development of Antofagasta (SEREMI Housing Antofagasta)