Promotion of Electric Urban Mobility in Uruguay
Implemented by
Strengthen capacities in sustainable urban mobility planning and lay the foundations for a National Programme for the Promotion of Electric Urban Mobility through a nationwide programme that includes the development of technical, regulatory, and financial instruments
Challenges in the region
- The transport sector generates 58% of Uruguay's CO2 emissions, the second largest amount in terms of energy consumption and the largest in terms of fossil fuel consumption
- An increase in the private vehicle fleet, (44% of households have a car and 30% have a motorbike) generating a reduction in the demand for public transport
- While there are public policies that favour sustainable mobility, there is no strategic process at the national level to coordinate efforts
- Favourable conditions for electromobility: 98% of the energy grid in Uruguay is renewable, there are 55 electric taxis in Montevideo and the first electric route in Latin America with 50 charging stations throughout the country
National-level Plans (NUMP)
Overall Project Amount
Implementation period
October 2018 - 2020
Project phases
Institutional agreements. Planning of activitiesAnalysis of the Status Quo
Inventory and evaluation of the urban mobility situation in the country, complemented by workshops in five cities in order to obtain a perceptual diagnosis of mobility at a local scale (outside Montevideo)Vision, objectives, and measurements
Development of the participatory phase of policy definition, design of the capacity building programme. Financing mechanism for Electric Mobility, development of national technical guidelinesDetailed design
Priority measures, pilot application of technical guides, presentation of results, evaluation and future projection, development of the Road Map and institutional design for the implementation of the PolicyExpected results
National Programme for the Promotion of Electric Mobility
Financial tools and mechanisms to promote public and private investment in electric vehiclesEight national workshops
In at least five cities with public and private actors to build different project strategies: benefits, identification of needs, opportunities and presentation of results and feedback on electromobilityTechnical guides for mobility
Development of a Technical Guide to incorporate Sustainable Urban Mobility criteria into urban territorial planning and a Technical Guide for urban electric mobility planning. It includes two pilot exercises for application at the urban levelDesign of regulatory instruments
Design of regulatory instruments and standards for electric vehicles in the urban environmentTraining programmes
Development of a capacity building programme for public and private actorsLatest related news
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Antonella Tambasco NUMP Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining |
Ignacio Simón Project Movés Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining |
Beatriz Olivet National Directorate of Energy Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining |
Valentina Vincent Project Movés Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining |
Paola Visca NUMP Coordinator Ministry of environment |
Ministry of environment
Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning – Division of Climate Change
- Ministry of Transport and Public Works
- Ministry of Economics and Finance
- Departmental Governments
- National Administration of Power Plants and Electrical Transmissions (UTE)
- National Fuel, Alcohol and Portland Administration (ANCAP)